Mission 2018-09-10T22:50:37+02:00


Forty years of activity and success are celebrated with the opening of the Belgian headquarters.
The COPEM Group – explains President Eitan Dokhanian – develops its activity in all branches of diamond business assuming an international role of the foreground and ambitious projects that are abreast and in perfect harmony with a world, that of diamonds, constantly in rapid transformation“.
The Mission of the COPEM group is to strengthen the service to producers throughout Europe and in particular to Italy, where his namesake and “Twin” COPEM & Co enjoys a consolidated structure in the main points of disposal of diamonds cut through its headquarters in Rome and Valenza. Strong of the entrepreneurial success of the COPEM & Co in the last 10 years the group grows and expands its family with direct offices opening in Belgium.

Everything to make our Italian customers a more immediate and strong service, says CEO Copem & Co Dokhanian Raz, Times have changed and the market suffers sudden changes. The COPEM group, a holding company, will allow us to be more flexible and immediate by offering a wide range of products in a significantly competitive price/quality ratio. “

The COPEM group has a business model that is able to meet the expectations and needs of each European country, helping to ensure a significant and ambitious growth of the group.

Focal point the synergy between tradition and innovation in a Business Model that has all the cards in order to win a prominent role in the European diamond market and with a strong inclination to cross the boundaries of E.U. to conquer important markets internationally.

Technological innovation

The COPEM Group and Copem & Co have transformed a market demand into service.
The homonymous site “CopemGroup.com” is a research platform of certified stones and not only. The group offers the possibility for all the employees to be always at the center of the world. A technological platform offers certified stones GIA HRD IGI on the squares of Rome, Valenza, Antwerp giving an immediate availability of the product and a delivery in 48 hours.
Extremely interesting is the possibility to search the stones on the RapNet becoming a virtual broker in real time. The program also includes the search for loosely cut diamonds by weight and different diameters.
A wide range of products ranging to 360 ° in the world of diamonds, together with immediate transactions, are the flagship of our offer, guaranteeing its customers a quick response… with a simple email.
To be abreast of the times means to renew technologically, speaks the CEO of Copem & Co Raz Dokhanian, our business unit has innovative modern and simple programs to give a constant and impeccable service. The opportunity offered to our customers is the time and necessity, our service in a word is a form of conciergerie on line. A virtual butler ready to be immediately operational. Every request can be made in real time with a quick response in order to meet the needs of manufacturers, contractors, small laboratories or shops. We are sure to make business transactions easier and faster, giving everyone the chance to be protagonists in the diamond industry. Our challenge is to innovate the sector in the next 24 months, making us the new architects and forerunners of our industry. “